Ceremony of Certificates of Appreciation for the Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP)
4th July 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN), in collaboration with Technology Depository Agency (TDA) Berhad, held a Presentation Ceremony of Certificates of Appreciation for the completion of the Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP) KDN to companies that successfully implemented the ICP Programme under KDN contracts for the years 2015 to 2021.
The ceremony aimed to recognise the efforts and commitment of the companies involved in the successful implementation of the ICP Programme, while also demonstrating that KDN takes the execution and completion of the ICP Programme by the involved companies seriously in supporting government policies and directives.
The ceremony involved seven (7) supply/service contracts as follows:
The brief ceremony was officiated by YBhg. Datuk Hj. Ruji bin Hj. Ubi, Secretary General of KDN, accompanied by Tuan Haji Khairuddin bin Bakar, Procurement Division Secretary of KDN, Mr. Fakhrunrozi bin Jamaludin, Deputy Secretary of Government Procurement Division, Ministry of Finance Malaysia (MoF), and Dr. Sharoul bin Jambari, Chief Executive Officer of TDA Berhad. The ceremony also served as a platform to acknowledge the achievements of the companies in the ICP Programme, which indirectly benefit the country’s economic and technological growth.
YBhg. Datuk Secretary General of KDN also expressed his hope that the success of these companies would inspire the local industrial community to participate in driving continuous innovation and development for a brighter future of Malaysia in the upcoming ICP Programmes.